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Girls dream about her Life Partner

Every Girl Have Dreams About Her Life Partner.

I Want A Guy Who Respect My Mom n Dad Like His Own.

I Want A Guy Who At least Tries To Understand My Feelings.
Yes He Can Fight With Me But Never Give Up On Me.

I Want A Guy Who Feels Proud To Have Me..
Who Never Feel Annoy In Front Of His Friends When I’m With Him.

I Don’t Want Someone Who Have BMW , MONEY , Big Houses.. Nahh.. I Don’t Want.
I Want A Guy Who is Ready To Walk With Me In Front Of Whole World..

I Don’t Want Big House Or Palace..
I Just Want Sweet Home Were We Can Live Happily With Our Family.

I Don’t Want Guy Who Treats Me Like”Princess
My PAPA Is Enough For That, But He Should Respect Me.

Actually The Truth Is I Don’t Want Anything
I Just Want Love, Trust & Faith From Him..

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One comment

  1. I really want a truly friends .

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